Sunday, March 1, 2015

Almost 11 weeks post surgery

My foot is getting better. I am still walking with a limp but my foot isn't that sore, my big toe just isn't strong enough to push off with. I've been out of the boot for 3 weeks and am able to do low impact exercises so I'm being using the elliptical 3-4 times a week. I really want to run but know my foot isn't ready for that yet. I hope I get to run again. I keep telling myself that "where there's a will there's a way."  

The incision is healing nicely but there is a blister on it and is very painful to walk on. The pressure on top of my foot looks way worse than the incision sadly. 
I still am buddy wrapping my big toe and first toe together to help the big toe to heal in the right place. 
The ouchie blister

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Post Op Appointment

The incision

I finally got my bandages off yesterday (2 weeks and 2 days post surgery) and got to see the incision. It's about an inch and a half and had 5 stitches. The stitches came out pretty easily, only one hurt a little coming out. My foot looked pretty gross after getting the bandages off. I have some huge pressure sores from them. The incision creeps me out to look at but also kind of cool. My doctor said everything looks pretty good and normal and he is happy with where I am at. I can start some massaging near the incision to break up scar tissue and help healing. I also am suppose to buddy tape my big toe to my pointer toe  my next appointment isn't for 4 more weeks. Sadly I'm still in my boot for that time. It's nice to be mobile but it's hard to walk on your heel for a long time or distance. I can also start using the recumbent bike if it doesn't hurt my foot and other exercises, so I'm excited to get moving again. 
Pressure sores